Narcotics Division

During 2009, the DA’s Narcotics Division continued its extraordinary cooperation with other law enforcement agencies to prosecute illegal drug-related offenses. Led by Division Chief Tom Manning and Assistant Chief Steve Walter, notable prosecutions during the year included:

Operation Red Sky

A collaborative effort with the San Diego Police Department’s Gang Unit and the Drug Enforcement Administration's Mobile Enforcement Team which targeted drug dealing gang members, their narcotic sources of supply and associated drug dealers. Over the course of this six-month operation, law enforcement investigated numerous independent drug dealing cells, street level dealers and international drug sources. This successful project resulted in the arrest of 47 documented gang members and the seizure of 18 pounds of powder cocaine, four pounds of crack cocaine, two pounds of methamphetamine, 3,000 ecstasy tablets, ten pounds of marijuana, 240 marijuana plants, 18 vials of PCP, $60,000 in cash and 19 guns. Additionally, 17 drug-endangered children were taken into protective custody and a local day care center was closed after discovering it was also being used as a narcotics stash house. Deputy District Attorney Shawn Tafreshi provided legal counsel throughout the operation and prosecuted 70 of the arrestees.

Operation Rock Solid

The Oceanside Police Department and the Drug Enforcement Administration's Mobile Enforcement Team joined forces to combat drug dealing gang members and their suppliers during a five-month undercover operation. The operation netted 38 arrests for drug trafficking in cocaine, ecstasy, methamphetamine and marijuana. Deputy District Attorney Jon Oliphant prosecuted 32 of the arrestees. The rest were prosecuted by the United States Attorney's Office.

The division continues to direct San Diego County’s JUDGE Program (Jurisdictions United for Drug and Gang Enforcement). The program consists of federal, state, and local law enforcement officers who target high-risk felons. In addition, the Narcotics Division runs the treatment side of drug cases in Drug Court and Proposition 36 Court, Federal and State Asset Forfeiture matters, and assists law enforcement with proactive projects in specific high-crime areas.

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